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, import verification regulation of responsibility

(a) import verification sheet for organizing Bank submissions, data entry. General requirements for every other day you entry and by payment date to file the verification form. Verification form contact the Bank to correct the problem. After the stable operation of balance of payments statistical reporting version 2 software, import verification sheet data extracted directly from the software system, eliminate manual entry.

(b) review of import unit imports the goods for examination and not the goods for examination, and computerized examination table in three days. Reviewed three elements:

1, imported units filled in on the examination table and the consistency of the content of the document is;

2, auditing and payment documents and declarations;

3, manual operation audit declarations of imported units to provide surface in line with the requirements of customs, security labels, custom number, are there clear customs inspection; using the customs declaration verification system with computer verification of authenticity of the Declaration.

by audit is, that in examination table and Declaration single Shang stamped examination chapter, will Declaration single and examination table (first Alliance) archive store, will examination table (second Alliance) of content entry computer; as first items has problem, is please imports units corrected examination table of content Hou again examination; as second items, and third items has problem, and Declaration single belonging to by provides should handle II times check of range within, is retained about declaration single for II times check, by identification results for real who will Declaration single returned imports units retained , Confirmed that there are problems of the transfer of foreign exchange inspection authorities processed according to relevant regulation.

(c) import payment form audit and the issue of

import exchange payment form is more special, write-offs for some banks ' capital risk and escape swap frequencies higher import payment, usance, off-site meeting, entrepot trade, advances by a prior registration, examining an approach. Filing table indicates that Exchange has focused on the above payment tracking, registration and schedule requirements imported units with relevant voucher to Exchange Bureau close examination.

second, the import verification examination process

(a) import arrival data for examination of foreign exchange payment

1, concept,

import exchange payment arrival examination is imported under the import payment verification requirements of the interim measures for the supervision, monthly “ trade and payment delivery verification table ” and the enclosed documents submitted to the Exchange Council review of business processes and procedures.

2, business review document

under the import verification provisions of the interim measures for the supervision, import units “ should be in the relevant import declaration within one month after the exchange of goods for the write-off for examination procedures ”. Imported units at the time of arrival for examination when required to provide the following documents:

(1) the import verification sheet (on the verification form as the method of payment for “ delivery ”, the declaration order bar must not be null);

(2) import payment form (such as foreign exchange payment verification form due to “ normal payment ”, enterprises not providing the documents);

(3) import goods declaration originals (such as settlement on the verification form for “ delivery and payment ”, enterprises not providing the documents);

(4) import payment verification of arrival form (a two-part, chapters are printed and stamped with the company);

(5) settlement water and collection notices (such as foreign exchange payment verification form reason not to “ outside the engineering use of materials ” “ entrepot trade ”, enterprises not providing the documents);

(6) other documents requested by the Council, file.

contents of the above documents must be true, complete, clear, and accurate.

3, handle import payment examination business procedures:

(1) imported units required to prepare all the above documents, together with foreign exchange, import verification business of first instance.

(2) trial did not pass the audit documents, should be clear to the enterprise for examination personnel cannot be returned to the importer after examination of the reasons.

(3) after the end of the trial, maintain signed and transmitted to other business review;

(4) documents review officer has not been approved, should be clear to the enterprise for examination personnel cannot be returned to the importer after examination of the reasons.

(5) to review and correct, review of the enterprise for examination all documents signed and retained and IC card and leave a business name, contact phone number, contact.

(6) declarations of the Exchange will be retained and Enterprise IC card through declarations and inspection system, inspection Declaration of authenticity. If correct, the IC card back import unit, and stamped on the examination table and a declaration of arrival “ examination ”; entry pass check, you will go about materials and inspection authorities.

(b) import payment record

import exchange payment record is the State administration of foreign exchange in accordance with the relevant regulatory requirements within the supervision of enterprises at the time of payment or registration of open forward foreign exchange write-off in the credit sector, foreign exchange Bureau to track the write-off of advance for the record business.

1, business at the time of the following payment or credit operations, subject to filing procedures:

(1) open 90 days or more (not including 90 days) the usance;

(2) letter of credit opening dates from no later than the date more than 90 days of shipment (excluding 90 days);

(3) get more than 90 days (excluding 90 days) document against acceptance acceptance of business;

(4) more than 90 days after date of Bill of lading from the payment date (excluding 90 days) the payment business;

(5) payment date from the expected arrival date more than 90 days advance payment of;

(6) exceed the total contract 15% and more than the equivalent of us $ 100,000 advance payment of;

(7) Declaration issued date more than 90 days from the payment date (excluding 90 days) delivery of remittances;

(8) payment, the issuing of the offshore engineering material procurement business;

(9) re-export trade payment, the issuing of business;

(10) is not in the list of enterprises and payment, the issuing business;

(11) “ list of imports affected by foreign exchange authenticity auditing unit ” payment, the issuing business enterprises within;

(12) by the Exchange Council finds that special circumstances, it is necessary to focus on tracking and payment business.

enterprise at the time of the above for the record business, shall be issued by the corresponding examination has been filed prior to the expected arrival date in 1st table availability; otherwise, no handle.

2, imported at the time of filing the business shall provide the following documents:

(1) import exchange payment applications letter (letter of application should contain an application causes record and record contents);

(2) import copies of originals and the main terms of the contract;

(3) issuing application (such as record reasons for “ usance ”, then the application should bank on stamping business);

(4) and copy of the import payment (such as the method of payment is not for “ collection ”, the enterprise is not provided the documents);

(5) wire transfer application (such as the method of payment is not “ money ”, the enterprise is not provided the documents);

(6) import goods declaration originals, copies and IC cards (such as filing reason does not extension for cash remittances, letters of credit, the enterprise is not provided the documents and IC card);

(7) settlement form/collection notices or re-export proceeds of letters of credit (such as filing reason not to “ outside the engineering use of materials ”, and “ transit trade ”, the enterprise is not provided the documents);

(8) advance payment guarantee (such as record reasons for arrival more than “90 days ”, over 15% and more than US $ 100,000 equivalent of pre-payment, the enterprise is not provided the documents);

(9) import exchange payment application form;

(10) record cases, foreign exchange Bureau other vouchers, documents requested.

contents of the above documents must be true, complete, clear, and accurate.

3, Corporation at the time of payment for the record business should be based on different record corresponds with the above-mentioned documents, and follow the instructions to complete registration procedures:

(1) enterprises shall be three working days in advance of the first instance document foreign exchange write-off staff;

(2) is of first instance, the auditor will be headed by documents submitted for approval;

(3) operational personnel in enterprises filing date (or the following day,“ list of imports affected by foreign exchange authenticity auditing unit ” except for businesses in) documents submitted to the competent first instance by leadership approval; headed by the next day (or third day of,“ lists of imports affected by foreign exchange authenticity auditing unit ” except enterprises) will fall results of Auditor; for approval does not pass for the record , Audit staff to the enterprise in a timely manner state reasons.

(4) approval after the adoption, by the auditor to inform the enterprise (or by an enterprise active query) record results, and stamped “ special chapter for import verification ” application form and the attached documents returned to the enterprise, while IV of the application form and the copy of the relevant documents should be retained, and;

c, service monitoring mechanism

enterprise at the time of payment for examination, for the record business, if you have any questions you can come directly to the write-off of business consulting;

external verification staff when you transact business or to receive advice, listing service;

write-offs as found in the enterprise to handle day-to-day business business people business is not subject to the relevant regulations and damage to business can be directly reflected to the superiors of its competence, complaints.   

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